While awaiting a financial settlement during your legal case, you and your family may experience financial difficulties that can only increase your level of stress, which is the last thing you need. Accessing the best medical treatment or even getting a second opinion about your mesothelioma may be expensive and seem out of your reach; insurance companies may not be quick to approve treatment or pay claims.
Attorney Robert L. Steinberg understands this. Like most mesothelioma lawyers, Mr. Steinberg works strictly on a contingency fee basis; you owe nothing unless money is recovered for you. Beyond that, however, Mr. Steinberg and his team offer a unique service to ensure that you have access to experienced and skilled doctors, whether for a second opinion or for treatment itself. Mr. Steinberg will arrange – and pay for – transportation to a qualified medical center, set up appointments and cover housing expenses during your stay.
In addition, Mr. Steinberg and the staff at the Steinberg Law Group will help you resolve insurance company disputes, access government financial assistance programs that may be available to you, and otherwise minimize the financial impact of your illness until your legal case has been resolved.