The Ramifications of Asbestos-Related Products
In the 20th century, there was a product used in literally all other products. This product was heat resistant, water-resistant, electricity did not have an effect on it and neither did chemicals. It was deemed safe to use for insulation products, construction needs such as bricks, cement, and concrete. This product was even used in electric appliances for the home, plastics, rubber, mattresses, hats and gloves, and lawn chairs. In thousands of products used, purchased or worn by millions of consumers. There were also millions that were in close proximity to this fibrous material used to make all those others.
There was no real regulation in place for asbestos until the early part of the 1970s. Since then exposure for the workforce has dropped from 6.3 to 4.3. However, due to the latency period of decades before any health issues were found to stem from asbestos. Today, it is regulated, but not banned. Jobs & Asbestos Exposure may be minimal due to the regulations now, however, there were thousands of careers and jobs where the employee had been in constant exposure to asbestos. These people, many from fields such as firefighting, construction, industrial workers, power plants, shipyards, and construction workers, are experiencing the fatal effects that stem from asbestos exposure. One of the highest risk jobs is mining. Until 2002, there were still mines in operation to obtain vermiculite. Libby, MT is the most prolific case. Hundreds of miners and their families became sick and died due to asbestosis and mesothelioma.
The high-risk jobs are not the only positions to be found with exposure to asbestos. Lower risk jobs such as teaching, hairdressers, and appliance installers have been found to have asbestos exposure complications also.
OSHA has since enacted laws that pertain to asbestos. This began in 1997 when the level of accepted asbestos was given at .1 asbestos fiber per cubic centimeter. The employer is required by law to have protective gear for those who work around asbestos. Even with minimal amounts allowed today, workers are still subjected to risks associated with asbestos. It has been estimated that over 25 million people were exposed to high levels of asbestos between 1940 and 1979. It is also estimated that of the over 40,000 who died of mesothelioma, 70% of those victims were from work-related asbestos exposure.
Asbestos was known as a very strong material that was used everywhere. All branches of the military, industrial or blue-collar workers from the 20th century are since becoming diagnosed with mesothelioma and other asbestos-related diseases. The public had not been informed of the risks associated with the product, although the companies that were profiting from the production of asbestos-related products did have the knowledge and chose to ignore those risks and did not inform the workers. These companies made a profit for decades while their employees breathed in the deadly fibrous material.
Today, the millions of workers and their families should be aware of all the risks and symptoms of mesothelioma and other related diseases Mesothelioma is a rare and very aggressive form of cancer that stems from jobs and asbestos exposure. Workers of all walks of life had been subjected to airborne fibers from asbestos that got into the lungs and moved onto other organs.
Any person who had been employed in any field that had dealt with asbestos in any form should be aware that symptoms vary depending on the degree of exposure and type of symptom.
There are two groups of Asbestos Diseases.
These are benign or non-life-threatening. This would be abnormal growths that do not metastasize and spread. If you were exposed in the past, or even presently, discuss with your physician any and all symptoms of ailments you feel.. Visit your clinic for regular and complete physical exams, blood workups and X-rays. Although benign growths can be managed, there is no cure for them. Other benign diseases stemming from Jobs & asbestos exposure are Asbestosis, Pleural plaques, and pleural effusion. These too should be monitored consistently.
Cancerous growths can be temporarily managed, there is no cure that is known. The sad fact about Mesothelioma has no cure, it is fatal. Mesothelioma Cancer, Lung Cancer, Ovarian Cancer, and Laryngeal Cancer are the most common unresponsive forms that stem from exposure to asbestos.
These are sudden and rapidly growing forms. There is little warning of these cancers until the symptoms are advanced. Tumors or growths are generally at stage 3 or 4 before recognized. By this time, there is only a 12-month prognosis given for most. Again, routine physical exams, discussions with your doctor, and routine tests can lead to early detection and some intervention.
Jobs & Asbestos Exposure