The disquieting thoughts experienced by one who has been diagnosed with Mesothelioma cannot be overstated. Understanding that this Asbestos cancer brings with it endless anxiety-provoking, confusing, and outright frustrating feelings, YOU are not alone.
After the shock of the diagnosis is settled just a bit, it is only natural to begin thinking about life expectancy. It is at this point the importance of realizing that YOUR life expectancy is based upon several key factors is crucial. Factors in which we will consider in detail below.
Mesothelioma Staging Affects Life Expectancy
As mentioned, various factors all play a part in uncovering the life expectancy of a victim to Mesothelioma. Four main factors when coupled with a few (Age, Gender, Lifestyle Choices, and Overall Health) all form a composite picture of what one can expect. The first factor is considered the cancer-staging factor. For Mesothelioma this staging runs across 4 distinct phases.
According to the TNM Staging System, stage one carries the capacity for surgical intervention. You see, it is at this stage the cancer is localized. It is found and maintained in the Mesothelium. The Mesothelium is the lining that covers the body’s most precious organs. It is due to the commonality of having no real physical symptoms that makes this stage the hardest to detect Mesothelioma. However, life expectancy is the absolute best during this stage. The median life expectancy being 22.2 months at this stage.
Stage 2 finds mesothelioma spreading through the mesothelium and into the lymph nodes. At this stage, surgery still may be an option. Thus, increasing the life expectancy of the person afflicted. To the person affected, feelings of difficulty breathing while doing light or moderate physical activity may be noted. Also, a mild cough may be present. Often, weight loss with an underlining feeling of being bloated has been noted. The life expectancy of Mesothelioma victims during this stage may be longer than three to five years, with the median life expectancy of mesothelioma victims in stage two being at about 20 months.
If cancer has spread through other tissues, organs or lymph nodes in the surrounding region of the body where the Mesothelioma was first discovered, it is said to be in stage three. Depending on the location and size of the tumor surgery may be a viable option. The median life expectancy being 17.9 months at this point.
Having the symptoms of extreme difficulty breathing along with strong chest pain may mean that cancer has spread throughout the area where the Mesothelioma was first found. Unfortunately, distant parts of the body may now be affected. This is the cancer stage four of mesothelioma. The median life expectancy being 14.4 months during stage four.
Understanding the Mesothelioma Cell Type and Location
Depending on the specific location of the Mesothelioma, the personal life expectancy will likewise vary. For example, Mesothelioma found in the abdomen (Peritoneal Mesothelioma) has the best life expectancy outlook. Meanwhile, Mesothelioma found around the heart (Pericardial Mesothelioma) has the worst outlook for individuals. This is why it is important to understand from your Doctor the exact location of cancer.
In addition to the specific cancer location, it is critical to know the Mesothelioma cell-type. You may wonder why this is. It is best to understand that each type of cancer cell responds differently to a treatment. This is because each cell behaves differently in the environment of the body.
• Epithelial Cells make Epithelial Mesothelioma the most treatable of this type of cancer. Also, this cell is the least aggressive. Therefore, the risk of spreading to other types of cells or different parts of the body is reduced.
• Sarcomata Cells possess a spindle-shaped form. This means it can easily travel throughout other parts of the body. This speed makes it increasingly difficult for an Oncologist to treat.
• Biphasic Cells Tumor is a combination of the two previous cell types. The more epithelial cells present in the biphasic tumor spells a greater life expectancy. Vice versa is true if the biphasic cell has more sarcomata cells present.
State-of-the-Art Treatments Are Here to Help
Medical researches and Doctors stand poised to attack this disease. Clinical trials are continually finding new and better options to treat this cancer. Especially if the Mesothelioma has been staged at three or four.
Rest assured, NO MATTER WHAT stage, cell type, or location the cancer is found to be in specialized help is available. Let us offer our expertise in treating Mesothelioma by contacting a member of our team today.
Life Expectancy of Mesothelioma Victims